Full Costume with Padding

$7,000 - $10,000+

Includes head, hands, feet, tail, and a bodysuit with detailed padding (like digitigrade legs.)

This style of costume is built with soft pillows and stuffing that change the shape of the costume to give the effect of animalistic shapes and exaggeration! Pricing depends on the complexity of the design, number of colors, and other details. A duct tape dummy is required for this style of costume. Multiple colors, spots, stripes, wings, and extensive padding or shaping may drastically increase the costs of a costume.

Full Costume

$6,000 and up

Includes head, hands, feet, tail, and a bodysuit.

Pricing depends on the complexity of the design, number of colors, and other details. A duct tape dummy is required for this style of costume.

Partial Costume

$3,700 and up

Includes head, hands, arm sleeves, feet, and a tail.

This style of costume is intended to be worn with clothing. Pricing depends on the complexity of the design, number of colors, and other details.


Starting at $2,700

That's Furred Up heads are hand carved foam and lined on the inside for comfort!  Vision is through a painted plastic mesh and eyes can be built in either a 2D toony style or a 3D following type style that gives the illusion that the eyes are always facing the viewer. Pricing depends on the complexity of the design, number of colors, eye style, and other details.


Hand Paws:

$400 and up

Feet Paws:

$450 and up


$2,000 and up

bodysuit with padding:

$2,500 and up


  • Small: $80 and up

  • Medium: $100 and up

  • Large: $300 and up